My Story: Mental Health

⅕ of people in the United States are living with some form of mental illness. (National Alliance on Mental Health) That is a significant number. Millions of people. If you are not living with mental illness, you know and love someone who is. Mental illness affects us all. That being said, I think that one of the best movements gaining traction in recent years is the push to end the stigma against mental illness. People are speaking up about their mental health and trying to bring to light just how many people struggle with some kind of emotional condition. Thousands of people are doing their part to end the stigma, encouraging others to share their stories, seek help and be unashamed of their condition. I have spoken about my experience with mental illness a little bit with friends and family but I have never really shared the whole story and gone into depth about it. It just seems too personal and honestly, I am kind of ashamed about that part of my ...